
Showing posts from March, 2020


This has been a week I have been looking forward to the entire semester. Parenting is something that is so important to me and it’s something I really want to be able to do well for my kids. I want my kids to know how much I love them and I want to raise them right. I don’t want to have them going to therapy in their 20’s and 30’s to try and fix all the different ways I screwed them up. In my own life there are things that I think my parents did really well but there are other things that I think they did really poorly. I feel like I really relate to my professor Brother Williams because he talks a lot about his childhood. There are some things he thinks his parents did really well and some things they could have done better. I really liked this one example Brother Williams shared in class. He talked about how he had just bought this new truck that was really cool and had an incredible engine. With this new freedom of being able to drive and go wherever he wanted his parents set some v

Fathers & Finances

I am really excited to write this blog post because we have never had a prompt for our blog posts before. This was a really cool and neat experience for me because I was able to do some of my own research and read articles about things we have talked about in class. The article I found a really like is called “Fathering in America: What’s a Dad Supposed to Do?” This article was written by Marie Hartwell-Walker . In this article Walker really dives in deep to what fathers roles and responsibilities should be. At first when I was reading this I felt like some of the things Walker was talking about were pretty basic Dad things that everyone should know. As I thought about it more I realized that for some people this may not be a basic Dad. So many people nowadays grow up in completely different family situations than the typical nuclear family. I feel so blessed and so lucky to have been able to grow up with a Mom and a Dad both being in the same home and a part of my life. The 5 main po

Communication & Mutual Problem Solving

This was a really interesting and important week for me. This week we talked about communication and problem solving. This is something my family really struggles with. We either tip toe around each other or are way to blunt and rude. Then there is my Dad who freaks out if you don’t do exactly what he wants when he wants you to do it. So when 7am came around on Tuesday morning I really didn’t not want to go to class. I am getting to the point in the semester where doing even the simplest tasks takes so much energy so as I laid in bed deciding whether or not I should get up and go to class. I looked up the topic for the week and decided that this was a week I could not afford to miss. Communication is vital. It's everything. It’s how people perceive us and it’s how we interact with everyone around us. Whether or not the way you communicate is verbal or non verbal you are communicating something to everyone around you all the time. When you are walking to class with your air pods in

The Family Under Stress

When you are in a family crisis there are a lot of emotions. Depending one the crisis you could be feeling lots of different ones. But I think every crisis has one common feeling. That feeling is pain. No matter what has happened or who is involved there will always be some time of pain attached. Pain for your children, spouse, and family. What comes with that pain can either build your family up or tear it down. If there is just pain then as a family you can come together to feel compassion, empathy, and love towards one another. You will lift each other up and come out the other side. On the other side if there is pain and also blame then there will be defensiveness and you will end up tearing each other apart. When a crisis happens you have to do everything in your power to not put blame on yourself or anyone else involved. You will want to. You will want to hold someone else responsible for what has happened. You may even want justice in some way. The best way for your family to be