Divorce & Remarriage

In class this week we talked a lot about blended families. I absolutely love this class because some of the things we cover are things that I hope I won’t have to need or use but I am so glad and so grateful that I have the tools and knowledge if I ever do need it. I don’t ever plan on getting divorced and remarried but if I ever did I now have insight on how to make it a better situation and adjustment then it could have been. I think sometimes as adults or parents we obviously care a lot about our kids but when really hard things like divorce happen we forget to really think about what kids are thinking or feeling. This is just a generalization that I am personally making of course but I know there were times when my Mom was just barely hanging on and surviving herself it was hard for her to try and put herself in our shoes and see how we were feeling about things. I love my Mom and I don't resent her for anything at all. She did her very best and that is all I can ever ask for. I knew I was always loved and that in the end was really what mattered most. If I am ever put in a situation where I am putting my kids through a divorce I want us to have open communication about how they are feeling. I want them to know how much I truly love and care about them. If they are worried or anxious about things I want them to feel like they can come and talk to me but at the same time I want to be asking them those questions so we can have that open communication. It’s hard when you are a teenager and you are trying to figure out who you want to be and then you have two people pulling you at different ends. I can’t imagine how hard and how confusing that would be. I think one thing we can do as parents is just to take a step back and realize that. Realize that your kid is trying their best under the circumstances. If you and your ex fiance are still on good terms then maybe talk to them about some mutual standards that you both can set and keep for the kids. If not then maybe just have a sit down with your kids and try to explain where you are coming from and what you are worried about. I think too often we have parents that just try to shove their rules and opinions on to their kids without explaining the why and why it matters. They just want them to do what they want when they want it done. Kids are such curious little things that they need to understand the why and the how. Divorce and things are tough but it’s not anything that you can’t get through. Your Heavenly Father is there for you and he loves you. I promise he will lead you and guide you as you talk with him about your worries and concerns. 

This class has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. I had no idea what I was signing up from when I signed up from this class, but wow I am so thankful and so glad that I did. I feel so much more prepared for my relationships and family than I ever did before. I now know how to maintain healthy boundaries and be taking the right steps in all of my relationships. I don’t think I could ever thank Brother William's enough. THANK YOU!!
